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Bird Cove Looking into Bay

Bird Cove Looking into Bay
Looking West into the Bay

Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 There Really Is an Angel Somewhere

One of the most terrifying memories of my childhood was the day David’s little sister Cheryl, who was about three, just about drowned.  It was the end of a warm summers day when everyone was relaxing after a hard days work and the anticipation of hot supper.  Most of us kids were just keeping out of site so as not to be yelled at for being under foot.  In the mean time Cheryl had wandered outside unnoticed and began playing in the water.  As I have mentioned my mother and that goes for most parents in our camp, was quite relaxed about their kids and the dangers of the water.

But what happened next was every mother’s nightmare.  Aunt Ruth was not worried but as any mother would do, from time to time come out to see what little Cheryl was up to.  This particular time however, Cheryl was nowhere in site and after a few moments of searching, her eyes fell on something out in the bay.  She looked again to make sure, could it be, no it mustn’t be, again she strained her eyes and the realization of what she saw froze her heart. There was Cheryl floating face down in the water.  It was with terror in her heart that I heard her cry out, “Oh my baby! My baby!”

This brought terror in all of our hearts and everyone came running to see what tragedy had taken place. Erwin my Uncle was one of the first to arrive, my dad was there and most of us kids.

The terror in my heart was overwhelming as I watched my uncle and my dad walk out to rescue Cheryl from the water.  I can still remember as if it was only yesterday as my uncle laid little Cheryl on top of a big flat rock and started artificial respiration.  And I can still hear my Aunt Ruth wailing, “Oh my baby!  My baby! Oh my baby!  My baby!” The cry of my Aunt Ruth has stayed in my memory as if it was yesterday.  I can still see the water mixed with curdled milk draining out of little Cheryl’s mouth and running down the rock.  My Uncle paused from time to time and all of a sudden stopped as Cheryl opened here eyes and started to breath on her own.  It was not till then that my aunt stopped her wailing and with incredible joy my uncle placed little Cheryl in her arms.  The skeptic may scoff at it being a miracle, the believer will have his faith confirmed, and I choose to believe that it gives God great pleasure to give a mother back her child.

1 comment:

  1. I remember mom and dad telling that store, that is so amazing. :)


Bird Cove

Bird Cove
Looking East from House