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Bird Cove Looking into Bay

Bird Cove Looking into Bay
Looking West into the Bay

Friday, May 20, 2011

83 Gill Netting Anyone?

It was now in the month of May and George was gone fishing for the summer, this left me without any work. I was fortunate that GMG were willing to put me to work, as they had a small patch of timber to fall just across the inlet. This worked out well for me, as they still were paying by the thousand and I was able to keep busy for most of the summer.

Every morning as I tied the speedboat up on my way to the patch of trees I was falling I noticed fish jumping everywhere. I thought this was my luck, an opportunity to make some big money on the side.

As my dad was fishing in the area I asked him if he had an extra net and to my good fortune he had one that he was willing to lend me for the summer.

But the next question was where to get a boat? I suddenly remembered that you don’t’ need a boat with a gill net drum if you coil the lead line separate from the cork line, any boat would just about do. This meant that I had a boat; I was using it to get to work each morning.

So that evening I coiled the net up in the bow of the kicker and set out just after sun set to make my set for the night. After waiting for several hours to see what I had caught, I started hauling in the net. Would you believe, I had a few fish.

I was quite excited as I hauled the net into the boat and removed the fish one by one, especially when I knew each one was worth at least two or three dollars. It took me several hours before I reached the end of the net and the last fish. I remember crawling into bed that night well past midnight but my hope for the big catch did not happen as after a careful count I only thirty or forty fish.

The next day I sold most of my catch to the packer for a nice little profit but kept a few for the smoke house, as I love smoked salmon.
I can’t remember but I think that was the only time I went out with the little speedboat to try my luck at being a fisherman. Was it because I was lazy, or what, you be the judge. Personally I don’t like to think it was laziness. I do know that I didn’t follow my vision of making money-fishing part time or even give it a chance, so perhaps it was laziness. The truth was that regardless, I quite my life as a fisherman and carried on as a logger until it was time for college in the fall.

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Bird Cove

Bird Cove
Looking East from House